Week 12 - Wrap up BSIT200

Marcus Rogelio


Dr. Leatherbury


Wrap up

For starters, I find this class very enjoyable to take as it is the most accessible class that I ever took when it comes to my major. The only things I needed to understand were servers, milestones, and the debugger, which could be more precise. Still, other than that, it talks about the Center Process Unit, graphic cards, and RAM with the idea of input and output, which can be helpful in my future career. Not to mention, there is a heavy discussion about printers, which is one of the hard lessons that I took. 

I am unsure if it is helpful in my job since I still need to get that career, but I am sure it will. However, I am sure I will refrain from blogging in the future since I have so many things to do. It is excellent that we have a blogging system to earn free participation points, and that's what I love about that class. This is desirable for a company. The knowledge I learn from this class is enormous because of how much I have nurtured from this class, and I am confident I will do great in future jobs. 

So far, this class is excellent: a chill professor, a chill lesson, and respectful classmates!


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