week 4 - Honeypot

Marcus Rogelio

Dr. Collins


In week 4, while reading about honeypots, jump box configuration, and then encryption. I found an exciting imagination of how honeypots work. It is more of thinking of the image of two scenarios in my mind, whether the hacker managed to get to the system to the honeypot trap or they found out it was a trap for them to go into.

Because of that, my imagination went wild. The way I think about hackers who did fall into the trap would be an image of Rick Astley singing "Never gonna give you up." 

A hacker continues to intrigue will be describe from Star Wars meme saying, "It's a trap!" which shows that the hacker did know what the developer was doing, which is the cause of resources and cost. 

In conclusion, I still think it is a waste of time to create honeypot since most threat actors are experience.


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