Week 8 - the importance of storage security and backup

Marcus Rogelio


Dr. Willsey


Storage security and Backup

In week 8, I learned how to identify files, storage security, and backup, which was discussed on the discussion board for week 8. Unfortunately, I have had a problem with this lesson so far, which is my mistake in reading the textbook and then doing another course, which now I to remember what the lesson is about.

However, I have some knowledge that I find helpful: storage security and backup. Storage security can be built on for privacy and security purposes, which contain specific controls on how long the data should hold and how the data should be tracked. The best part is encryption, which keeps the information safe but can also be reversible. 

Backup is self-explanatory in restoring the data to prevent loss. It will always be available for users to use to back things up. 


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